Index of links to ideas in the online text of The Paradox of Progress
'This poor old thing has nearly had it' - the significance of double meaning
'The sun has gone in - I always called her my sunshine' - the power of analogy
'It's progress, isn't it' - call-out to a new block of sheltered flats
'I think he's dead, doctor' - the farmer at the end of the long road
'Tell me what to STOP doing...' - on being told to measure the height of every adult patient every three years.
'Do you do anything else with your time?' And the follow-on ‘OK, tell me something you read in the BMJ this week…’
‘My Daddy has just collapsed, please come.’
'with God's help, and Dr Wilson...'
MOLWA - the Ministry of Leaving Well Alone
We have no way of counting up the contents of our minds
Everything in life is relative
In life education - for understanding - is more important than training - for performance.
Learning takes place not through a process akin to photographing data, but by the fine-tuning of a personal synthesis
Definition of a generalist (thanks to Karl Popper) A generalist never says something is of no interest to him
Nature favours the generalist Eight explanations :
1 Our experience is bigger than we believe possible 2 Interval training 3 The law of multiple returns 4 The power of analogy 5 The pump priming effect 6 Motivation 7 Skimming the cream
We have broken the feedback loop
The insanity - i.e. imbalance - of the 'corporate mind of society'.
The difficulty of writing a computer program to give advice on drinking
Specialisation is a cop-out from Life
Three reasons why the specialist view of life is super-distorted: Exclusion Large numbers Retrospect
'Coincidences' as a clue to understanding the true size of the experience recorded in our minds
Some doctors must be allowed to choose not to video-record their patient's consultations
The answer is not exactly under our noses, but an inch or two above and behind our noses
Conclusion - the balanced way forward
Page last modified 14 Nov 2006